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Project feasibility study

Our main objective is to organize efficient business of our clients for the lowest cost possible. In order to make the future project most efficient we start from providing potential investors with all information necessary for making decision on opening new business and conducting project feasibility study. Our main objective is to warn our customer about all existing obstacles and unfavorable climate for investments in Russia so his decision is based on thorough knowledge of the situation and his expectations are real and feasible. On customers request we provide not only complete information on the legal framework and specific conditions of the regions, but exact data required for investment project's calculations.


Project feasibility study with references to local conditions

  • Consultations on regional and local investment environment: taxes and fees rates, tax incentives, governmental guarantees for the investors, etc.
  • Calculation of the project cost with reference to regional and local prices for public utilities, projecting, construction, maintenance, terms and prices for land rent and purchasing, average salaries in the region, transportation costs, other terms.
  • Marketing research

Company Registration

Probably, this task seems rather simple, especially one follows the easiest way and registers his company with the lowest allowed charter capital with the local government.
However, prior to company's registration and preparing the documents we examine the investment project and consider our client's objectives. Our main concern is the successful development of the complete investment project with the minimum risks and lowest expenses possible for our clients, and for this purpose we thoroughly select the structure of the charter capital, methods of technological equipment import. We consider this job an integral part of the registration process and only upon completion of such investigations we prepare the documents and register the company. It does not make any difference if we register the company with the State Registration Chamber at the Ministry of Justice of the RF, or with the Regional Government. Our customs broker completes the registration procedure with the customs clearance of the imported technological equipment and vehicles at the minimum expense for the customer.

Development of the most efficient methods for company's start-up and development

  • Selection of the legal type for the company,
  • Optimal structure of the charter capital,
  • Selection of methods for import of technological equipment


  • Development of thew business plan allowing to receive maximum possible tax incentives,
  • Analysis and changes in the existing business plan in order to receive maximum possible tax incentives.

Drafting registration documents

State registration of the company

  • Registration of the company with the local governmental register,
  • Registration of the company with the State Registration Chamber at the Ministry of Justice of the RF in Moscow,
  • Opening company's investments and banking accounts,
  • Registering the company with state controlling bodies.

Emission of shares

  • Drafting the complete set of documents for registration of the project for the emission of shares,
  • Registration of the emission project with Federal Securities Commission,
  • Preparing the documents for registration of the emission results,
  • Registration of the emission results with Federal Securities Commission.

Selection of the industrial site

Assisting investors with allocation of the industrial site for project implementation, no matter if it is "greenfield" or sites with constructions, we apply hi-tech methods for information analysis and use geoinformation systems. "Invest In" possesses digital geoinformation database containing information on industrial sites in Novgorod, Leningrad, Kaliningrad regions. Our data is constantly updated and extended.
This data base contains a number of information layers necessary for making decision on acceptability or non-acceptability of certain industrial sites. Those information layers contain map of the site, scheme and drafts of all constructions (if there are any), schemes of engineering nets (gas, water, heating, electric power, communications, sewage systems), schemes of transport communications (auto and railway roads, waterways), soil map, ecological and geological maps and some other data. Selection of the industrial site is one of the most difficult tasks when implementing investment project and in this respect our assistance might reduce the risks and expenses for the investor and works for the positive image of our company. Surely, one could ask how the selection of the industrial site influences the project implementation expenses. We offer the investor the final product meeting the requirements of the project; i.e. the sites with developed infrastructure, specification accepted by controlling bodies, with legible and exact ownership and rights for use of the site, and offer it for the lowest price possible
Legal expertise of all permits and ownership documents for the real estate is the necessary condition when selecting industrial sites. It makes all the sites we offer " legally clean" and insures investor from any problem with purchasing and use of the site.
Besides, being authorized by the owners of the sites we can register the investor's right of ownership for the real estate, receive relevant permits and other documents, register with relevant governmental authorities and submit the investor with complete set of rightful and legal documents very quickly and efficiently.

Selection of the industrial sites in accordance with the project specification

  • selection of the industrial sites conforming with the project specification ("green sites" or capital assets) from the existing database (or development of a new one) of digital automatic information cadaster;
  • providing information on the ownership rights for the site, engineering networks, transport infrastructure, etc.;
  • organizing negotiations with the site-owner (the owner of the capital assets located at the site)

Calculation of the project start-up

  • providing information on the terms and prices for land rent and purchasing;
  • preliminary calculation of the project location at the selected site taking into account receiving required permits, price of the site, demolishing the existing buildings, construction works in accordance with the project specification, connection to the engineering systems (water, gas, electric power, sewage, etc.), ecological specification and purification procedures.

Legal expertise and registration of the ownership rights for the real estate

  • legal expertise of the ownership rights for the real estate and recommendations on expediency of the deal;
  • preparing the agreement for purchasing of the real estate and registration of the ownership rights for the acquired property;
  • preparing the agreement for renting (or purchasing) of the land and registering it with the governmental authorities;
  • inventory taking of the land (real estate) and introduction of digital automatic cadaster system;
  • preparing recommendations for the best land tenure and development of the land (real estate).

Assistance to operating companies

The main objective our company sets when working with foreign investors is to reduce our clients' expenses and to improve the project efficiency. Contradictory and constantly changing Russian market, inconsistent legislation and other barriers obstruct successful business development .
Every day an investor faces a great number of tasks, which are not directly related to his production, but of a vital importance for his business existence. In such circumstances, our company allows its clients to concentrate on their main activities without spending time and efforts on additional business matters and saves time and money for the clients, as our qualified staff can do the same job at the highest professional level within the shortest time possible.

Consulting on application of the existing legislation at federal, sub-federal and local levels and valid incentives.

Providing for the most favorable regional and local tax incentives.

  • Preparing all client's documents with respect to existing requirements for tax incentives,
  • Representing the client at fiscal bodies,
  • Providing for return of tax payments in accordance with regional and local legislation.

Representing the client at different governmental bodies, institutions, courts.

Consulate services.

  • Issuing invitations (visas) for foreign citizens with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the RF
  • Registration of the companies with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the RF for consulate


  • Preparing the documents in accordance with the requirements of licensing authorities,
  • Extension and reissuing of license
  • Certification, receiving necessary permits.

Services of customs broker

  • Consultations on Customs Code and customs rules;
  • Preparing all the documents required for implementation of customs procedures;
  • Complete customs clearance of imported good and transportation vehicles;
  • Customs procedures over imported goods and vehicles;

