
About group
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One of the main principles in our work is close cooperation with other companies. It is impossible to suc-cessfully implement complicated project without attracting various resources of partners and colleagues. We are always opened for collaboration with other professionals in order to provide our clients with addi-tional advantages and benefits. Among our partners are such well-known companies as "KPMG"(USA), "Dresdner Management Consulting GmbH"(USA), "PADCO-REA"(USA).

We have close partnership relations with a whole number of regions of the Russian Federation (Novgorod, Leningrad, Kaliningrad, Tver, Pskov, Pskov, Khantimansijsk) assisting them with improvement of regional legislation encouraging growth of businesses and implementation of regional development programs. This work along with participation in the Working Group on Development of the Investment Legislation within the Advisory Council on Foreign Investments by the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation and status of an expert in Federal Investment legislation in accordance with the Decree of the Ministry of Economic De-velopment and Trade allow us to implement our mission with the most success.

One of the most important points influencing investor's perception of business environment in Russia is the estimation of international organisations. Understanding this fact, we participate with great enthusiasm in international projects which do not only study the current situation, but provide recommendations and in-struments for improvement of business conditions and contribute to development of investment environ-ment. Here our partners are OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development), TACIS, USAID (United States Agency for International Development), Open Society Institution (Soros Foundation). Our group "Invest In" is the official registered vendor of FIAS (Foreign Investments Advisory Service - joint facility of the World Bank and International Financial Corporation).

Our Partners

Consulting Companies

Law Consulting Firm "Schulze
"Jupiter Investments"
"Dresdner management Consulting GmbH"
" F+U Sachsen GmbH "
"Financial Services Di"
"PADCO Rea Inc."

Governmental Bodies

Ministry of Economic Development and Trade
Ministry of Federal and National Affairs
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Ministry of Anti-Monopoly and Entrepreneur
National Economy Academy by the Government of the RF
Governments of Novgorod, Kaliningrad, Kostroma, Lipetsk, Yaroslavl, Leningrad, Tver, Pskov, Tju-men, Sverdlovsk oblasts.
Government of Karelia Republic
Government of Komi Republic

International Organizations

OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development)
FIAS (Foreign Investments Advisory Service - joint facility of the World Bank and International Fi-nancial Corporation)
Open Society Institution (Soros Foundation)

Business Partners

"Armor Group DSL"
"ΒΡΡ Company"
"Interross-Soglasie" Insurance company
"Ost-West Alliance" Insurance company
"Group of Companies NIKA"
"Prolatarsky Avangard"

Non-governmental Institutions

"JV Alliance of Northern Cities
High Economic School of St. Petersburg University
Novgorod State University after Jaroslav Mudriy
Moskow International Business Association
Interregional Financial-Industrial Consortium "Integration"
"Juniors Achievements" Educational Institution
