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For federal and local goverments of the Russian Federation
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LLC "Amcor Rentch Novgorod", Australia
ZAO "Dirol", Denmark
Foreign Investments Advisory Service (FIAS)
Organization for economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
State registration chamber at the Ministry of Justice of the RF, Russia
Novgorod customs, Russia
Egorov V.G., Head of administration (governor) of Kaliningrad region
Michael M. Prusak Novgorod region governor

LLC "Amcor Rentch Novgorod", Australia

When our company has just started considering construction of a factory in Novgorod oblast, in the course of negotiations with the local government we have been recommended to appeal for advise to "International Foundation of Strategic Initiatives" (now the name changed to "Invest In"). As the result we became the regular customer of the given company. Their specialists accompanied all the stages of the project implementation starting from research and analysis of the legal type of newly established company, the structure of the charter capital, drafting all registration documents, registered the new enterprise with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation (Moscow), prepared and registered the loan agreement, selected the import procedure for the equipment, implemented the customs clearance procedures. Comprehensive approach to investment project implementation as well as the fact that the company prepares all documents for all stages of business start-up and implement all bureaucratic procedures, representing the client with all levels of Government (local, sub-federal, federal,) makes the services offered by "Invest In" unique among other companies, working in Russia.
For that reason "Invest In" has been engaged for implementation of the second investment project. As planned the result was excellent.

General Manager of "Amcor Rentch Novgorod"
Jerzy Czubak


ZAO "Dirol", Denmark


Company "Dirol" started active collaboration with Mr. Trofimov even before International Foundation for Strategic Initiatives (now the name changed to "Invest In") has been organized. That is why as soon as Foundation was established we became its first client. We hope that our successful collaboration from the first day of company establishment will continue, for they always do their work on the highest professional level and in the shortest time possible. "Invest In" successfully represents our company in local and Federal governmental agencies and ensures the constructive dialog on all legal issues and protects the concern of our company.
All the projects relevant to research and analysis of possibilities for re-organization of newly established company, preparing necessary client's documents required for tax reimbursement, legal audit, transaction assistance and registration of property rights, implemented by "Invest In" allowed us to reduce the cost of the investment project implementation and the risks of our company, working in difficult and unstable Russian conditions.
Board of directors "Dandy" (Denmark) always gives positive estimation to the work of "Invest In".
I believe, that our successive collaboration will continue in the future for the mutual benefit of our companies.

Carsten Bennike
Genaral director of ZAO "Dirol"


Foreign Investments Advisory Service (FIAS)

The company "Invest In" worked as the local consultant of FIAS (Foreign Investment Consulting Services of the World Bank and International Financial Corporation) under the project "Study of administrative barriers to investments within Subjects of the Russian Federation". FIAS and "Invest In" (formerly "International Foundation for Strategic Initiatives") worked to prepare the project itself and its Terms of Reference (identifying all the many steps that an investor must go through in order to become legally operational in most regional of the RF). Their participation in the project also helped ensure the support that we received for our project from all levels of the Government - Federal, Sub-federal and Local.
The specialists of "Invest In' did an excellent job preparing the field mission of the Study, within a very tight schedule. "Invest In" carried out the preparatory work with minimal supervision, and they considerably facilitate the job of the international experts during implementation of the project. The rich practical experience of the company in overcoming administrative barriers while implementing investment projects of foreign companies contributed a lot not only to the analytical part of the study, but has been a starting point for the recommendations for our clients and will be of great value for implementation of those recommendations.
Its our pleasure to recommend them as experts to other international organizations working in the Russian Federation.

Jackie Coolidge
Program Manager, Europe and Central Asia


Organization for economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)

The President of the company "Invest In" Mr. Trofimov participated during the period 1999-2001 as a member of the steering group supporting the preparatory work for the OECD publications "The Investment Environment in the Russian Federation, Law, Policies and Institutions", (OECD 2001). His active participation in the work of this steering group and the experience accumulated by his company in developing methodology for evaluating the institutional and legal framework for investment activities at federal, regional and local administrative provides valuable input to the study.
"Invest In" contributions enriched the study with practical knowledge of the existing practice of enforcement at the local level of investment legislation and regulations and was of particular value for the analysis of the regional dimensions of investment policies. In view of the positive experience of our collaboration with "Invest In", we have no hesitation in recommending the services of these consultants as a starting point and a reliable basis for foreign companies, intending to develop their business in Russia.

Eva Till
Senior Economist, Derectorate for Financial, Fiscal and Enterprise Affairs


State registration chamber at the Ministry of Justice of the RF, Russia

Ladies and Gentlemen!
Attracting investments to the economy of Russia is really important and hard task. It is often said that administrative barriers in Russia are high, to these are referred the barriers occurring during registration of a company with foreign investments. Although, it is to be mentioned that a lot of delays and refusals for registration are connected to the fact that foreign companies and their consultants pay little attention to standard acts and requirements of the Chamber of Registration. Strict following to the Russian legislation will exclude any problem occurring with registering a company in the Chamber of Registration.
There is an example with respect to this. The Group of companies "Invest In", which specialists strictly follow all the requirements of the Russian legislation connected to registering a company. Competent activities of the specialists of "Invest In" has always reduced significantly their clients' registration deadline and, consequently, reduced their risks.
their clients' registration deadline and, consequently, reduced their risks. We are looking forward to continue cooperation with the Group of companies henceforward.

Seregin V. P.


Novgorod customs, Russia

Ladies and gentlemen!
Work with customs services is an integral part for any project with foreign investors' participation. In this connection it is necessary to mention, that customs officials as all Russian people are interested in the inflow of investment in the Russian Federation and don't intend to put obstacles.
However, it is necessary to distinguish between abuse of customs services and mistakes and intended infringements, made by investors. Unfortunately, foreign companies often use services of consultants, who are not very good at legislation and make mistakes and errors, which lead to their clients' problems. The clients accuse customs of development of barriers and delays. Therefore, the chose of consultant is very important.
During its activity the group of companies "Invest In" showed itself as highly qualified team of consultants. It is necessary to point out, that the group of companies includes licensed customs broker, which provides a high level of services.
We will highly appreciate, if other consultants take into consideration the style of work of "Invest In", since it will considerably improve investment climate in Russia.

Best regards,
Dyagilev M.S.
Head of customs


Dear Valery Ivanovich!
Please accept my gratitude for your conscientious and highly professional work, performed together with the group of strategic planning of Sovetsk city. You managed to develop the strategy of city development, admitted as the best one among cities-participants of the competition of the program "Small cities of Russia". It enhances the prestige of Kaliningrad region and gives hope to successful implementation of this project.
Thank you for substantial report, made on the seminar, which allowed present heads of municipalities of the region to get familiar with Sovetsk city experience.
I will be glad to meet you personally and talk about the problems of our region, to hear you opinion on opportunity of problems solution.
Best regards,

Egorov V.G.
Head of administration (governor) of Kaliningrad region


The Honour Banner of the European Council and the Region of the Year Award by the American Chamber of Commerce symbolize the world recognition of Novgorod's the favorable investment climate and rational legislation. But we do not stop. We think about our future. This is the reason why we executed an agreement with IFSI. The Foundation has all the necessary technologies and potential to help investor.

Michael M. Prusak
Novgorod region governor

