
About group
For foreign investors
For international organizations
For federal and local goverments of the Russian FederationOur clients and partners commentsResearch projectsInvestment consulting projects
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Services for foreign investors


"Invest In" group operates as "one-stop-shop" for foreign investors implementing their projects in the Russian Federation. Working with "Invest In", our clients solve a whole number of problems:

  • RESOURCES: the client finds highly professional staff at his disposal at the minimum cost when contracting our specialists;
  • PROFESSIONAL: we can provide the client with specialists of the highest level in certain areas;
  • ADMINISTRATIVE: thorough understanding of Russian legislation system (federal, regional, local), its peculiarities, enforcement, experience in organizing and running foreign businesses in Russia allow us to offer our clients the most efficient solutions to his problems;
  • LOCATION: our company offers its services in Russia and our fees are respectively lower then the services of foreign consultants.

Our main objective is not only to establish long-term mutually beneficial relations with our clients, but to implement some of the clients' business process ourselves.

Services for international organizations

Co-operation with international organisations is especially important for implementation of our mission, as they are powerful tools for promotion of Russia's positive image in foreign countries and may investors trust this estimations in their perception of business conditions in certain regions. We participate with great enthusiasm in the projects which do not only study the current situation, but provide recommendations and instruments for improvement of business conditions and contribute to development of investment environment.
In our opinion, only the projects that positively influence investment climate of the regions and the country in general are of special importance for Russia, but not those that give benefit only to participating companies.

Services for sub-federal and local governments of the Russian Federation

Our company offers complete range of activities objecting development of favorable investment climate in regions of the Russian Federation.
What make us different from other consulting companies operating in Russia, is the fact, that we do not attract investments to the regions (do not advise our clients to invest in certain areas and cities) until we are sure that the local Governments pursue consistent policy of development of business enabling environment.
We provide our clients in the regions with the tools for development of favorable investment climate and instructions on how to use these tools. Our consultants assist local specialists in their work on attraction of foreign direct investments, but we newer give vain promises and explain our clients that is it a complicated task and we can not guarantee that the investors will come to the region the very next day we start working there.

