
About group
Group structure
Principles of work
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Complex investment consulting services

The group of companies "Invest In" has started its development in 1998 when International Foundation For Strategic Initiatives, the company established by Academy For National Economy of the Russian Govern-ment and Russian Center For Investments Promotion, merged together with Agency For Development And Investments Promotion (ADIP). The Agency at that time hold strong and energetic professional time who had been working on development of favorable investment environment in Novgorod region since 1991 and was eager to share its knowledge and experience . Valery Trofimov, first Vice-Governor of Novgorod region, became the president of the new structure.

Our mission - To develop business enabling environment in Russia.

Two main trends in our work:

All types of activities objecting development of favorable investment climate in Russia.
It includes our analysis and improvement on local legislative acts and regulations, development of business supporting infrastructure and promotion of the regional investment attractiveness. Agency For Development and Investments Promotion, Group's analytical division, developed its own methodology for analysis of re-gional and local investment legislation, named "algorithm for legal regulations' system audit", which has been successfully applied many times for analysis of the regional and local investment regulations' systems and different legislative acts in several regions under the order of Ministry Of National and Regional Policy within the framework of the Federal Program for local self-government development.
Similar services are delivered not only on local and regional level, but on federal level as well. For instance, the Group took part in development of the Program "Development of Russia till 2010" (Chapter "Entrepreneurial And Investment Climate").
"Invest in" works in close cooperation with international organizations sharing the same principles and im-plementing the projects which improve business environment and provide recommendations and tools in-fluencing the investment situation. The fact, that our President, Valery Trofimov, has been included in Or-ganization's For Economic Cooperation and Development Steering Group for Study of the investment envi-ronment in the Russian Federation, expert group of FIAS (Foreign investments Advisory Service - joint fa-cility of the World Bank and International Finance Corporation) Study of administrative barriers to foreign investments in Russia, International Anti-Corruption Net-Work, and the Working group on development of the investment legislation within the advisory council on foreign investments by the Prime Minister of the RF, proves that the results of our work has been recognized at the highest international level. Group of companies "Invest In" is the registered vendor of the World Bank and International Finance Corporation.

Development and implementation of specific investment solutions.
Unlike other consulting companies providing investment services, we offer our clients complete solutions for all stages of the project implementation. We do not only provide advisory services but implement our rec-ommendations ourselves.
We provide our client not only with detailed description of different solutions to his problem, but with final product developed in full compliance with his requirements and specification and aiming the success of the complete investment project. In our case, such products could be allocated industrial site, registered company, imported and customs cleared equipment. It is necessary to point out, that our work is based upon "one-stop-shop" principle and we offer our clients services covering all stages of the project imple-mentation starting from feasibility study and including registration of the company, production start-up, return of capital investments, optimization of companies' financial and economic parameters.
Our main objective is to reduce our clients' expenses and to increase profitability of their business. We represent our customers and defend their concerns at all levels of legislative and executive authorities and represent our clients with administrative institutions dealing with their current problems.
Our professional level and practical experience allows us to support the investors who venture on coming to Russia reducing their risks and securing the success of their businesses, and the results of this work make us rather optimistic about our future.

