
About group
Group structure
Principles of work
Russian pages


Integration - Development of solutions covering all possible modifications of the business process and complete implementation of recommendations.
We never offer our clients only making up a business plan or preparing the registration document, for in our opinion, such work without considering further perspectives of the project's development is ineffective. We offer our clients complex services in organization and support of their projects taking into account all possible modifications of their businesses. Our services cover all stages of the investment project imple-mented in the Russian Federation (business location, development of the company's structure in accor-dance with the requirements of the Russian legal system, registration of the company, receiving all neces-sary permits and licensees, business-planning, support of the company's current, customs procedures). Our objective is to give our clients not a list of recommendations but practical results of our work, i.e. certifi-cate of the company's registration, customs cleared goods, ownership rights for the real estate.
Lawfulness - full compliance between our solutions and actions and provisions of the Russian legislation.
Russian legislation is rather inconsistent and complicated. It makes us take additional precautions and to be extra careful. We always do our best in order to reduce the expenses of our clients but we do it only in strict compliance with the provisions of the Russian legislation. We never violate the law trying to receive momentary profit for it would certainly result in great losses for our clients in the nearest future.
Responsibility - liability for all the clients' risks relating to implementation of our recommendations.
We give our customers full warranty for the solutions we offer and are liable for our possible mistakes and financial losses of our clients. We are ready to reimburse for all penalties and fees in case such situation may arise. However, since our company has been established, not a single client of us has made such claims and this fact is proved by only positive references of our customers.
Co-operation - dynamic interaction with business community and governmental institutions for the benifit of our clients.
Understanding complete character of our task and high level of our customers' requirements we do not only exploit all our inner capacities and resources and constantly increase our professional level, but always at-tract broad potential of our partnership network.
Along with our representative offices and agents in Russia and foreign countries, we develop business contacts with other professionals, governmental bodies and non-governmental organizations and interna-tional institutions.
Group of companies "Invest In" always search for new possibilities for cooperation with other companies in order to provide for additional advantages and benefits for our clients.
