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3.06.2002 - the group of companies "Customs consulting & services" has been signed the agreement on cooperation with the group of companies "Invest". The group of companies "Customs consulting & services" has been working since 1995 giving consultations to participants of external economic activity on import-export questions and providing delivery and customs clearance services .In 1999 the group of companies has concentrated its activity in the sphere of providing services to companies implementing investment projects.


24.04.2002 - “Invest In” group started working on the project “Surveying investors who refused to invest in Russia” under the order of International Finance Corporation. The project continues the work, started as the study of administrative barriers for investments in the RF and aims identifying the reasons that induced potential investors to refuse from investing their money in Russian economy.


16.04.2002-19.04.2002 - Verchnevolzh’e Investment Forum has been held in Konakovo, Tver region. “Invest In” group has been one of the initiators of the event. Integration of Tver region in the world economy, creation of business enabling environment in Verkhnelozh’e and improvement of investment climate has been discussed by the participants of the Forum.


29.03.2002 - Government of the city Pskov conferred authorities to represent the city of Pskov on all the issues relating to the city’s investments policy on the company “Invest In”. “Invest In” is empowered to hold negotiation with Russian and foreign governmental and non-governmental organizations and companies on behalf of the Major of Pskov.


18.02.2002 - group of companies "Invest In" and German company "Legal Advisory Firm „Schulze" signed a partnership agreement confirming their mutual interest in further collaboration and ratified their responsibilities to promote each other.

LAF "Schulze" provides legal advisory services on all legislation aspects, especially civil, contract, corporation, labor, tax and customs law to the foreign companies throughout the Russian Federation and abroad. The company expressed its willingness to promote "Invest In" and its intellectual property in Germany and other EU countries through its law office in Germany.


5.02.2002 - Group of companies "Invest In" has been registered with the World Bank Group as approved vendor.

On the 5th of February 2002 Mr. Kenan Erkan, Financial Controller of International Finance Corporation, a member of the World Bank Group, has confirmed that "Invest In" has been registered under a permanent vendor's number and is eligible to provide the Bank with goods and services.

In 2000 - 2001 year "Invest In" participated in the World Bank's project "Study Of The Administrative Barriers To The Investments Within The Subjects Of The RF" and the registration of the company as the approved vendor confirms that the quality of this work satisfies the internal standards of the World Bank Group.


15.01.2002 - the Open Society Institute (Soros Foundation) conducted a seminar for the representatives of 56 consulting companies "Interaction of the Small Towns of Russia Program with consulting companies".

At the seminar experts of the Open Society Institute acknowledged the participants with the rating of municipal strategies that had been prepared during the pilot stage of the program in 2000 and the rating of consulting companies that participated at the program. According to the rating of consulting companies Group of Companies "Invest In" WAS THE SECOND among 32 consulting companies.

Soros Foundation's Rating of Consulting Companies